Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Lawn progress

We are patiently waiting for our lawn to grow in and for plants to go on sale/clearance to beef up the yard a little. We are learning a great deal of patience. Our garden however is taking off and looking good.

Front left lawn

Front right lawn

Back lawn

Garden boxes

Experimental upside down hanging tomato plant


Julia said...

Do you like the square foot gardening? I think it is interesting. Once I get my own land I might just be trying it. Your progress with your home is wonderful.

AngieVach said...

It looks great guys! We cant wait to see it soon. So I rented the sq ft gardening book Karen from the library, but there was a long list of holds on it. I'm something like number 46 so I may not get to read it this summer. Your yard is beautiful!

Tyler and Kjaersti said...

Looks great Karen!